Vidy Sharma
Vidy Sharma

Vidy Sharma

I’m an entrepreneur, product manager, developer. I enjoy building tools that help users get better at life/work, and sometimes, just for the love of making.

About me

  • I currently live in Bangalore and work at Simpl.
  • Grew up across 7 cities in India (My father worked in a bank and we travelled to a new place every 3-5 years).
  • I’ve always been fascinated with how things work. I’ve been breaking and putting together toys & electronics at home since I was 8.
  • Started two companies. The first one was when I was just 16.
  • I completed my electronics engineering from DSI.
  • When I first read Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, I was introduced to Douglas Engelbart and related works at Xerox PARC. Since then, I’ve been fascinated with the idea of “tools for thought” — the idea that people could use computers to amplify thought and communication, as tools for intellectual work and social activity. The idea that, the tools we build not only shape our work, but they design us back in a way that changes how we think.
  • You can reach me on: Twitter, LinkedIn & Instagram // Email:

Some things I believe in

  • Create beautiful things you're proud of.
  • Things don't have to change the world to be important.
  • Life is short. Move fast.
  • Focus on Velocity. Not Speed.
  • Your life is defined by your default Inertia.
  • People can choose to be great.
  • Be a yardstick of quality.
  • The world loves novelty. Do things the interesting way.
  • Follow the hunch.
  • More work ≠ More results.
  • Words have power. Use impeccable words.
  • Be the best person you know.
  • Journal your ideas. Ideas are fleeting.
  • Rationality is a tool for optimization, not invention.
  • Cost of Inaction >> Cost of the Wrong Action
  • Helheimr - “Seize the moment, do hard things”. (ref: JRR Tolkien’s TCBS)

People who inspire me